Saw a cutscene from one of my favorite games of all time...

HYPE!!! Finally another fan. I comment under it. Check profile of a fellow autistic gamer....... It's a port spam bot. That game is not even porn. It just fell through a wrong filter.

㊙(💕) (オールジャンル Mastodon インスタンス【ますとどん.らぶ】

X4 Albion prelude
Literally the furthest thing from porn you could possibly get.
But FUCK!!! It's not the same clip. Only a clip of a same looking woman, framed the exactly same way etc...

@LukeAlmighty Ah. Yeah, Space Sims tend not to be very pornographic in nature.

Yeah............ At least side by side, I can really see, that I am not crazy. They are the same picture.

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