And here we go...
First video he released after his
child pimping scandal, he had to start off strong. :D

Did you know, that Nazis are not racist?
Man, then what the fuck are you even fighting against now?

@LukeAlmighty The shitlibs themselves say that having black friends doesn't mean you aren't racist. In this I agree. It just means you found a sample of the race that isn't an unbearable violent apeling. Hint: Most niggers are unbearable violent apelings.
@LukeAlmighty It's a meme that is only partially true. You still have to be pleasant to be around even if you are a racist nig.

Sure. I have blocked many racist crackers, who weren't capable of coherent thought.

@LukeAlmighty @WhitestTemplar Many cases of people picking up racism because its the preformed villain role.
For me to take someones racism seriously its gotta be from looking at the data or personal experience
@special-boy @LukeAlmighty I fucking hate fake racists. Leaves a bitter taste in my mouth just knowing that they exist. There is literally a million reasons to be racist and you chose "because it was edgy."
@WhitestTemplar @LukeAlmighty
its that kind of person that one day bashes a niggers head in for no actual reason without getting anything positive done for our people and the next day joins a antiwhite organisation and cries about how evil white people are bashing niggers heads in without any good reason.
we have several of those over here in germany and the media loves their stories.
impulsive, unstable people without any real grounding in facts or at least a bond to their people.

@special-boy @WhitestTemplar
Do you have any name, so I could look up the coverage in English?

Seems like an interesting psychological example.

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@LukeAlmighty @WhitestTemplar
Philip Schlaffer for example, i think thats the one ive heard from the most
@special-boy @LukeAlmighty @WhitestTemplar Christian Picciolini as well. Almost exactly as you described in the post upthread. Bashed random negroes and then became a preaching convert. He was never political or a comrade, just an anti-social freak.

@CatLord @special-boy @WhitestTemplar
I knew, that they were literally 2 sides of the same coin, but I never guessed, that they might be actually the same individuals :D

@LukeAlmighty @WhitestTemplar Whisper ai can solve that
Or just the youtube autocaptions
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