so do any of you chudspergs watch normie streaming services or have cable
@Mr_NutterButter I only watch anime and that's it and I don't subscribe for a service for it

Online subscription platforms mostly sucks and it's a format that needs to go as it's completely unprofitable and... we're back again to fucking cable somehow

And cable is pretty much dead. The bigger channels now repeat shows the hell out like they are lesser cable channels. It's dead, completely destroyed

Plus the only thing I really liked mostly was cartoons and overall Adult Swim (and the likes) stuff, eh
@coolboymew @Mr_NutterButter

The quality of Adult Swim has dropped substantially from the block of content I watched when I was in High School and College. I was watching it as a free stream on IPTV before it got removed for a month recently and found the content that I watched as being kind of disappointing.
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