
antis are so full of hate
while they're thinking they're so great
hearts so black they look like coal
evil is the antis goal

they've no reason to be proud
all they have is being loud
all they have is their disgust
which they share because they must

insulting words fly from their lips
brain dead takes and lukewarm quips
an anti is no friend of mine
so long as I shall always find
their malevolence undue
and their evidence untrue

think with logic think with heart
you can stop before you start
and if you start you can start anew
a brand new day a brand new you

I'll forgive if you forget
and leave behind your anti set
no more tricks, no more traps
it's time for you to bridge the gaps

be a friend and be kind
or you will be left behind

re: Poem 

@Jazzy_Butts i will kill you at your house and no one will stop me. when the cops investigate they'll sweep it under a rug because im doing a public service. youll die in shame and wilk be dumped in a common grave as no will will pick up your body. no one loves you, subhuman monster, and no one will

@Saber @pernia wow so scary, I'll definitely stop posting forever now

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