So Biden is going to have 200,000 flags instead of people at the inauguration.

Interesting question: how far in advance do you have to order 200,000 flags? Because I'm guessing they've been planning on no-one attending in person for months.


Covid lockdowns have been going on for months so yeah I guess since they started.

@TheBuilder @pete
Sure, but till late November they supposedly had no way of knowing if they'd win or not. Is that enough time to make that many flags? If yes, then that's fine. If not, then either they were stupid enough to waste money on something when they could have lost the election, or they knew something we didn't know (aka they knew they would have the "win" assured because they had planned to steal it).

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@alyx @pete

You can order as many flags as you want with modern technology and have the order fulfilled within a couple of days there are at least 200 factories in china which print flags and other materials so their quota would could be fulfilled in a single day
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