Things I want returned to phones:
>removable battery
>no screen cutouts
>physical home button

@alyx Hardware switches that enable/disable camera, gps, microphone, etc.

While interesting, you'd need to add way too many hardware switches to a phone. You could also go with 1 hardware switch for all privacy things, but it would be less useful. Overall, I don't think it works that well.
Still, phones really shouldn't be afraid of using hardware buttons in general.

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@alyx @asa_2 hardware switches wear out but most importantly apple doesn't use them so neither can you
@alyx I had a sony phone, or was it LG? that has a nice sliding door thingie to close the usb port so dirt wouldnt get into it, I miss that on new phones, and they could do something like that also for the cameras

I remember in the earlier smartphone days, Sony would use rubber plugs on usb port for water resistance. And I've seen something like that in even earlier LG feature phones. Don't remember seeing a sliding door thing on anything.

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