He makes a very good point here. Hell I’ve come across accounts on Poast that probably fit this description to a T.

We’re at the point where the regime only wants faggot striver mediocrities of color, who function as loyal trannisarries too stupid to question Zog dictates.

"it doesn't move the ovaries of the people who read admissions essays" is probably the most accurate thing I've read this week, and the biggest issue with The System.

Also, I've seen cases in my country where to apply to an IT University you need to write an essay... When the IT field is literally dominated by borderline autists, the last thing you want as a qualifying metric is to have them write essays.

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@alyx @DW2 Here admission essays always have a politically charged topic and are a barely hidden way to try to gauge your ideological orientation.

I always lied through my teeth while doing them, when i joined university i swear i went so over the top the evaluator thought i was a nigger and gave me a 8/10 despite my terrible misspelled writing 😂
@Aviz @alyx @DW2 baseado
In a (western) society built on lies, it is nothing to lie to liars.
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