@mystik Because they're not savages.
I don't watch sports-ball, but when our family goes on a picnic, we clean the spot before we leave.
Atarimae da ne?

@diresock @mystik
The difference is the nature spot where you have a picnic doesn't have employees that are tasked with cleaning up the place.
In the west someone gets to have a job because you littered at the football stadium. :peepoShrug:
I bet in Japan, less people get to be employed to clean and maintain a stadium.

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@alyx @mystik You say that like it's a bad thing.
There's a massive amount of productivity going to waste because people don't give a shit, and put it negative effort into maintaining their surroundings, like a bunch of animals.
@diresock @alyx
I agree with this point of view. Those employees should be at home doing arts or engineering, not having to deal with unnecessary barbarism consequences.
@diresock @alyx @mystik
:this: There's not enough manpower in general everywhere, a simple task like not littering this would so a problem that shouldn't be one.
@mangeurdenuage @diresock @alyx
Proactive vs reactive mindset.
Football (soccer) is built on the foundations of literal barbarism. It's a cathartic recreation of war.
Japanese have long abandoned that mindset, in favor of a more individualistic and honor based use of violence: the samurai culture.
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