@Trigg3rH4ppy TBH, I'm apprehensive... I can't help but dread that it's gonna be so much worse than what I've expected, and I already expect some bad shit.
@Trigg3rH4ppy However this ends though, this transparency is deeply needed if society is to remain somewhat free, and not ruled by weirdly disfigured socialist corporations (I'm honestly not sure how best to describe what the big tech companies have become. They are massive corporations, that nonetheless advocate some deeply marxist/communist shit. It they were living organism, I'd call that a severe case of genetic malformation).
However this ends though, this transparency is deeply needed if society is to remain somewhat free, and not ruled by weirdly disfigured socialist corporations (I'm honestly not sure how best to describe what the big tech companies have become. They are massive corporations, that nonetheless advocate some deeply marxist/communist shit. It they were living organism, I'd call that a severe case of genetic malformation).