pouring one out for JPEG-XL. who died yet never lived.

and by pouring out i mean drinking it.

I do wonder what Google were thinking with pulling out support out of Chrome already, when they barely put it in, and it wasn't even a default feature either.

@alyx they gave some dumb cope excuse about "no demand"

i really do not understand why google spent all the effort merging FLIF and JXL and making the whole format to completion and then just going :blobcattableflip: YEET they claim it's been out two years and not successful yet

this is the level of dumb that is CDPR spending all the time fixing up the red engine only to immediately switch to UE5 :blobcatonfire:
@alyx You get promoted in Google by launching new things, not maintaining them. That is the core of their company works.

@pimeys @icedquinn
That would explain why they keep making and destroying chat apps.

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@alyx @icedquinn That is exactly that. You get promoted by launching a new thing, not keeping it alive. I’m not joking here, that is the core problem of Google.

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