Here's a question: how long till there's no more rainbow on the rainbow flag?

Also, what other things that are completely unrelated to sexuality do you think they'll manage to include?


There are versions with the Ukrainian flag.

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@alyx is any of them adopted as the official one, i just don't follow the fags' escapades, all i know is that this year a new pride flag dropped, it's for transtotalitarian persons who believe they live in a totalitarian dystopia where they're not allowed to breathe the wrong way without a risk of a life sentence, this is their flag
@lina @alyx It reminds me of the naval flag of Russia. Fitting, as flying this flag over Moscow would be victory for the eternal thalassocracy.
@Intramuros_ @alyx make it a cross and i'd approve of it flying over moscow, the transtotalitarian flag looks more like an inverted israel flag without the star of david
@alyx @lina @alyx @Intramuros_ now this just looks like an inverted scottish flag
@Ace66062 @alyx @Intramuros_ scot in russian means "farm animal" lololololololololololololololololololololololol

>is any of them adopted as the official one
Well, the previous version, without the red splodge in the center, was used by UK. So I'd say it was adopted as official.

Well, I think people had it plastered on their Twitter for a while. That's more official than most of these gay flags.

@Kagekokoro @alyx i suggest a change to the transtotalitarian flag to truly reflect its values
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