
>people aren't gonna spend the money on N95 certified masks.
I swear, I'm gonna lose it completely (even more than I'm doing it now) if I keep seeing people completely miss the point of face masks.

The point isn't to kill germs out. It's to keep germs in. To keep you from accidentally spreading to other people. This is useful when you're dealing with a disease that can spread while you're asymptomatic and are not aware that every breath you exhale is a threat to everyone around you.

Sure, it's not perfect. Nothing is. But every little bit fucking matters. But apparently the western world is filled with too many fucking assholes, that have no place in polite society, and should be shot behind a fucking barn, because they can't seem to understand something Asians learned a long time ago: when you're sick or even think you could be coming down with something, it's the polite thing to do to keep the germs to yourself.

Asians will wear a mask, out of respect for those around them, for even the slightest of colds.
The West bitched like a toddler when we were in a middle of an unknown pandemic, and people were asked to give the slightest of crap about their fellow humans.

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