@rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com You're retarded for still thinking that voting works. It's clear that you are unaware of the shadow government that controls all politicians, parties, and nations for at least the past two centuries. It's clear that YOU are still falling for the illusion that Trump, Putin, or Kanye would put a stop to it all. I'm telling you that they won't.

I came to my conclusion from extensive research on this subject. Stuff that I have been researching religiously since MIDDLE SCHOOL. I realized that the only solution was Voluntaryism. In fact, the plandemic only reassured my views and conclusion. There are no political solutions. If you did the same amount of research that I did, you would realize that too.

@xianc78 @Rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue

Political solutions, as observed on the web:

“Guys, I know how we can stop tracking cookies! Let’s make a law that compels sites to inform visitors when tracking cookies are requested and then they can make a totally informed decision, guys!” :soy:

>Popup banners everywhere for normies. Everyone just clicks “accept” anyways.

Meanwhile, the real solution is non-political: just block that shit yourself.


@wrongthink @ArdainianRight @blockbot @rasterman @TheMadPirate @xianc78 @sue@liberdon.com And if you disable them or use an extension that clears them you get constant popups, making the non-cookie experience worse

CookieAutoDelete + I Don't Care About Cookies thankfully works pretty well though

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