Open world game = lots of bugs. Loooots of bugs. I think by now I've easily fixed 200+ since "finishing" my game. Anything from a graphic being 1 pixel off to boss battles being skipped. I'm sure there are plenty more, too. I'm never making a game like this again xD it's way too massive with so many moving parts. Makes it really cool when it works but it's so hard to find stuff that doesn't work. It depends not only on what you do but when you do it.

99 bugs in the code, 99 pesky bugs
Take the game down, patch it all sound
You’ve got 50,675 more bugs in the code~

I’ve wanted to try programming an open world thing…once I can settle on a goddamn language to learn :T

(I’ll probs change my tune once I do try to learn something lol)

@DreamSketcher take my word for it.... Don't do it. Even after working with rpg maker for 10 years, it has taken me almost 9 so far on top of that to make this thing


@beardalaxy @DreamSketcher I think i remember you playing with Godot. Did you look at Love2d and Tiled yet?

@applejack @DreamSketcher yeah i was going through a godot tutorial, unfortunately lost my progress on it when i had to do a fresh windows install. i'll get back to it at some point perhaps. haven't looked into love2d or tiled though. i'm just really focusing on getting my game done atm.

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