If you are a man and you play a girl character in a game that girl is a futa

Harry Potter is my favorite book series right now.

Slowly starting to realize I will never have spending money.

Thinking about how an entire nation's laws are decided by how all the politicians want to get rich from insider trading.

don't "friendly nudge" me if you're not my friend.

One of my housemates got cancer, I don't really care about him (chainsmoker, low iq doofus, still watches broadcast tv) but am I supposed to discover his dead body or something? this sucks.

My new job cut my hours. Just wanted to buy some books. :(
and maybe some movies, games, a new TV, need a new PC.

apparently they can hear us when we speak in brackets...

Looks like Coon Cheese just got an HR department last month. Now it's "Cheer Tasty."

"Son, life is a pool of sin, corrupted with foolish men, and women with wicked minds who build picket signs to legalize abortion, the evil eye distortion."

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Still one of the greatest rap songs ever made: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth by Killah Priest (featured on the album Liquid Swords by GZA) youtube.com/watch?v=Om6YoJy199

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.