@djsumdog @Moon (moon, I should have said cover up or psyop, that would've been better)
@babylonbee > there was a Saudi official or royalty that owned half of a floor
I may be wrong but I thought they owned two floors, at least a whole floor, but it's been so long I'm unsure..
> Some thought it was a failed assassination attempt
It definitely was a successful killing of many people. Who got shot with the small arms fire in the crowd? It was likely 9mm, but don't ask me, summon a commando or ex seal idk what caliber it was exactly. Plus like I said, the body wasn't Steven Paddock.
> and someone started shooting into those propane tanks
They were *jet fuel* tanks. And the round was found to be a tracer round, one that burns. (Not an incendiary, a tracer).
> It's never bought up year after year, because the whole thing was such a blatant fuckup.
Oh, most certainly, there were immediately multiple reports on CNN of a large number of people (in my estimate 10-20) controlling the crowd, closing emergency exits, setting off fireworks, the small arms fire in the crowd,
> there are clearly multiple guns going off, of different types, all around the area.
Then there's the taxi driver video that proves two shooters, unless a completely audible echo can come in at very unnatural times. One could interpret the echo >15s after the 1st shot, but the pattern was essentially totally different from the shot it's coming from and start at a different time from other echos, way out of turn and very inconsistently. This one thing, indicates to me two shooters: the bullets are echoing at very different firing patterns, totally different echo lengths, and sudden missing parts and pauses in one where it isn't in the other.
Then there's the fact that despite a completely static and mostly open surroundings, on the far end of a row of buildings and facing out of the side of the building that has no buildings next to it to echo off of, but the second shooter is explained as echoes? That's what it'll be (((echoes))) in the wind, they will come out years from now and say it was a gust, just a wisp.
Keep in mind this was the largest mass shooting in history, like OP says.
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