@becassine Was at the airport today and saw CNN blaring on all the televisions, they're trying to say every women in afghanistan are rioting or whatever and we shouldn't turn a blind eye to them. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head as I recalled that Britain, France, and Australia have been having country wide protests over covid restrictions for months now and they've not covered it for a single day.

I hate them so god damn much.
@Wolffkran @becassine
Heck the yellow vest protests are still persisting and look how they've swept it under the rug.

@DerSauerkraut Ever wonder why? It's because it was started by ethnic French (read: white european) people. They can't use it to spread their "whitey bad!" narrative.

@becassine @Wolffkran

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@bakubased @becassine @Wolffkran Yes, thats exactly the game being played. I was more so pointing out how dedicated they are to sweeping under the rug anything against their agenda.
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