For a little context, KoopaTV made (and continues to do this sometimes) some fun political interjections as favoured metaphors and similes in various articles, but we also made a "Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!!" Flash game (RIP Flash) featuring Little Mac going through the forces of Mad King Sharpnard (Al Sharpton's head on Mad King Ashnard from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance's body).
The game's plot was that Sharpnard resurrected Trayvon Martin and convinced (with dark magic) many black Americans to riot "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE". You know, basically reflecting the plot of real life in 2012–2013. The bosses Little Mac fights are all Trayvon Martin's friends, who all happen to be black. If he had white friends they would've been in the game too!
The game actually had some life lessons about how racism = bad (every racist character in the game meets a bad ending, both black and white; some of the black characters were portrayed very sympathetically), but people who didn't play the game didn't pick up on those lessons.
It was also a very good Punch-Out!! game with some very fun and novel mechanics, if I do say so myself.
Nowadays I'm too busy writing articles to do game design on the side. :(
For a little context, KoopaTV made (and continues to do this sometimes) some fun political interjections as favoured metaphors and similes in various articles, but we also made a "Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!!" Flash game (RIP Flash) featuring Little Mac going through the forces of Mad King Sharpnard (Al Sharpton's head on Mad King Ashnard from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance's body).
The game's plot was that Sharpnard resurrected Trayvon Martin and convinced (with dark magic) many black Americans to riot "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE". You know, basically reflecting the plot of real life in 2012–2013. The bosses Little Mac fights are all Trayvon Martin's friends, who all happen to be black. If he had white friends they would've been in the game too!
The game actually had some life lessons about how racism = bad (every racist character in the game meets a bad ending, both black and white; some of the black characters were portrayed very sympathetically), but people who didn't play the game didn't pick up on those lessons.
It was also a very good Punch-Out!! game with some very fun and novel mechanics, if I do say so myself.
Nowadays I'm too busy writing articles to do game design on the side. :(