@deprecated_ii @becassine @LouisConde >make a mud house somewhere
you have to go through several lawyers and pay a fuckton of money
>i have land
you're not allowed to build without a lot of paperwork and pay a fuckton of money
>i have the paperwork
you can't build a mudhut it has to meet modern standards and pay a fuckton of money
>i have the design for a modern house
you need multiple contractors to do the specialized work because you can't profitably get all the licenses in your lifetime and pay a fuckton of money
>i have all the contractors
some of the parts/materials you need haven't arrived because sUPpLY CHAIN ISSUes, pay a fuckton of money
>I've built the house
It's an unfunctional piece of shit that will not make your life easier, and you now have to pay a fuckton of money until you sell it.