@why @Rasterman @beardalaxy @coolboymew 4chan used to love Nintendo Directs because it meant no more relying on game journos. What happened?
@mrsaturday @Rasterman @beardalaxy @coolboymew iwata directs had soul, nintendo had to sell that soul for switch sales figures
@why @mrsaturday @Rasterman @beardalaxy I miss Iwata

But even without Iwata the directs are 100% better than the crap Microsoft and Sony shits out
@coolboymew @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mrsaturday directs are exactly how microsoft and sony do their conferences, the latest xbox direct dropped a full ass game which has always been a nintendo move
@coolboymew @Rasterman @beardalaxy @mrsaturday so do nintendo directs
>heres a 5 year late indie port
>heres a warriors spinoff
>heres some EA trash
>heres a port of a 360 game
>new game added to NES Online: Scrunt
>Arms DLC
>AAA game (cloud version) ($60)
>and one final thing
>black screen
>musical cues
>metroid prime 4 has been delayed another 3 years
>that's all!!!
Here we go
*Iwata is promoted*
NDS - Gimmick machine that was only popular because Game Boy lineage and ultra-cheap
Wii - Gimmick machine, spurned core audience to become a fad
Wii U - Gimmick machine, worst clusterfuck since the 16/32-bit shovelconsole age. Casuals predictably didn't even have enough brand loyalty to discern it wasn't an expensive accessory. Sold less than the Xbox Series, which is an absolute bomba and released during a worldwide supply chain collapse.
3DS - Gimmick machine with a bunch of high-profile disasters, sold less than half of NDS (no Game Boy bump to save it)
*Iwata dies*
Switch - Form factor people have been asking for since before the Wii was revealed. Just a good game system. On its way to becoming best-selling console AND handheld of all time.

@Rasterman @beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why

@natsock @rasterman @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why I honestly don't think Nintendo changed that much. A lot of stuff that came out well after iwata died was still in the oven while he was alive and acting CEO. There were questionable business decisions then, and there still are now. From going behind the scenes to shut down Project M, to not letting online Melee tournaments happen because of it being modded to do so during COVID-19 where nobody could meet in person. Iwata was closely involved in the development of the Switch as well. The Wii sold like a mother fucker and has some incredible games on it (Mario Galaxy, anyone?). The Wii U would have tanked Nintendo (due to horrible advertising, the games were really good) if it weren't for the 3DS, which still sold pretty well all things considered, and had a pretty good duration of support.
Before Iwata, you had the GameCube, N64, and SNES, all of which had absolutely amazing games but suffered from some critical design errors/business decisions especially for the time (I liken the Wii U to them in a way). You had major IPs like Final Fantasy jumping ship because cartridges didn't have enough space, and that would continue through to the Wii and even today on the switch in some cases (which has led to the horrible advent of buying streamed games).

Nintendo has incredible games, often times with really unique and polished gameplay you can't find anywhere else. They have always made very weird decisions for their systems and sometimes that has come back to bite them. They are somehow always simultaneously ahead of the curve and behind the times. The rest of the market is typically what dictates how well something they put out well be received, and you can see that tenfold with the switch. Even though it is super underpowered, it fills the handheld niche insanely well and the games are focused on good gameplay, rather than the shit many people are getting tired of from Playstation especially. As a reminder, the Switch was basically fully developed with Iwata overseeing the project. If you ask someone what consoles they have, it is likely they own a Switch. Just as it was with the Wii.

>If you ask someone what consoles they have, it is likely they own a Switch. Just as it was with the Wii.
I would not venture to compare the two. The Switch has legs beyond being a fad for casuals. Nintendo could release a Switch 2 and Switch 2 Pro and print yen for another decade. The Wii was a fidget spinner.

>the Switch was basically fully developed with Iwata overseeing the project
We'll never get the truth because it's Japan, but I earnestly doubt he was "fully" overseeing anything in the couple years leading up to his death.

@Rasterman @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @why
@natsock @Rasterman @beardalaxy @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday
>switch 2 and switch 2 pro
why do nintendo fans think they know how much NPD costs and know exactly what would be a slam dunk? do you work as an executive for a billion dollar corporation? do you even have a business degree? do you even have a job??

@why @rasterman @natsock @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday it's hard to say whether or not there will be a switch 2 or switch pro. they have iterated time and time again on their handhelds, but the only console to get an iteration was the wii with the wii u, and even then it was really in name only. nintendo is always cooking up something different and unique for their main consoles, for better or worse. given that the switch is a hybrid between these two, who really knows what they're going to do going forward. everyone is pressuring them into making essentially a beefier switch, but perhaps the logistics aren't in it for them in term of pricing it well enough while still having it be a more powerful machine (let alone talks of battery life).

my prediction is that they will come out with a completely new console that can play switch games but is not able to be played on the go, then keep developing games for the switch that are essentially boosted on the new stay-at-home console. i don't really see any other option for them at this point unless they want to release what is essentially a steam deck but locked down to nintendo stuff only, and that includes the price of the deck as well. i can't see that being a very "nintendo" move.


@why @rasterman @natsock @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday the switch branding and popularity is way too insanely popular at the moment, so i'm sure they are being super careful to avoid another wii u situation where everyone thinks the "switch pro" is just an addon or something (unless it really is just an addon and not a brand new console, which i think would be preferable).

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