@SuperSnekFriend @heavens_feel @LittleTom hello, gay niggers incorporated?
Is there anywhere left this mod can actually be downloaded and preserved?
@SuperSnekFriend @heavens_feel @LittleTom maybe not so based.
dude's accusing other mods of the same stuff he's being accused for.
the jannies may be hypocritical, sure, but dude is just stooping to their level and then posting his mod on a place where, by his own definition, has "disgusting... underage nudity" on it. fuckin retard.
the mod he linked to here is just a shitty nude mod for animal crossing.
@Awoo @heavens_feel @LittleTom @SuperSnekFriend he's not attacking varis, this is an edit he made to the original gamebanana page.
i'm just saying it's pretty hypocritical to be calling out mods with "underage nudity" (and giving 0 sources) after his own mod has underage content in it (not nudity but romance between a minor and an adult) is pretty lame. then putting his mod up on a site that has the exact same stuff he's criticizing is just the cherry on top.
i'm pretty certain that gamebanana has never and will never allow loli or anything like that and that's the reason they made this decision. still a really retarded decision and stupid excuse, but the modder isn't exactly based lol.
@DrRyanSkelton @heavens_feel @LittleTom @SuperSnekFriend i'd be more apt to believe that if he didn't throw the term "completely disgusting" in there and actually backed up the "underage nudity" claim with something substantial to prove the point, rather than a dinky animal crossing mod >.>
even if he doesn't believe that statement himself and is doing it just to point out hypocrisy or something, he's throwing other people under the bus to try and get his way.