@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad
Have you noticed the culture/material shift from the 80s anime/manga compared to today ?
@mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad I'm not really well versed in anime/manga from that era, pretty much just anime from 10s to now
@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad Me neither, for the little I have seen the focus on Nippon culture/settings has been progressively migrating away to european settings. But maybe I'm wrong, after all fantasy sets be it in space or D&D fantasy have also been a thing in that time.
Not that it changes the enjoyability of the content so far, outside of isekai's flooding everywhere, but I'm just worried how far will it go, especially with the westerners wanting to introduce the fucking current year everywhere.
@mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad

>has been progressively migrating away to european settings

Not sure where you're seeing this, especially with Isekais, although you can maybe argue that isekais and co are basically at this point 3+ generations of separation from it's actual LotR root by now with DnD > Ultima and co > Dragon Quest > all sorts of pseudo fantasy stuff > Today's isekai

There's always a bunch of anime about kingdoms and such. Even High Card had something of a fake "England-like" country like ACCA13 was (the country was much crazier here)
@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad
>Not sure where you're seeing this
Just an impression, as said I might be wrong, and you know much more about anime than me.
@mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad yeah, generic europe video game like or France/England old Kingdom settings are not dying anytime soon
@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad It's a shame we can't produce them in our own countries, I thought people were entertained by Nippon work because it was focused on Nippon settings.
@mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad I've mentioned this a bit in the podcast. From what I know from the French cartoon industry, it's way, way, way fucking better at actually promoting French work than the non-existent Canadian industry (which is practically dead now?) and the American industry who pretty much completely failed to capitalize on the 2000s newground culture (that's still ongoing, and they're still failing at it)
@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad I won't say that french animation is dead, according to someone who works in it we're one of the biggest producers of animation after japan and south Korea, but for some weird reason most people will say "what is this ?". And if you look at what is produced we do produce a lot but who tf watches them ?

@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad the only thing i can think of when i hear the words "french animation" is this banger

@beardalaxy @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad Or totally spies, or wakfu. There isn't much french medium that got international popularity.

@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad i actually totally forgot totally spies was french. never watched wakfu tho

@mrsaturday @mangeurdenuage @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad Isn't it one of those things where a lot of countries are involved? Anyways, it was actually animated by TMS for S1
@mrsaturday @beardalaxy @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad
Inspector Gadget was a américano-franco-nippo-canadienne cooperation.
Depending on the period some stuff were entirely commissioned in Japan, like "Rémi sans famille" which was perfect to give your kids depression.
@mrsaturday @beardalaxy @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad
"Jérôme Barberin est victime d’un accident à Paris. Il intente sans succès un procès à son employeur puis rentre à Chavanon. Rémi apprend alors qu'il est en fait un enfant trouvé et que Jérôme aurait voulu qu'il soit placé en orphelinat.
Rejeté par son père, celui-ci prétextant qu'ils n'ont pas d'argent pour l'élever, Rémi est finalement vendu par Jérôme Barberin pour quarante francs"
Exibit A https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=jIH9MGwTYz8
@mangeurdenuage @beardalaxy @mrsaturday @noyoushutthefuckupdad apparently known as nobody's boy remi in English. The cities of gold one also aired in English, but not the musketeer one
@mangeurdenuage @mrsaturday @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad I hated Rémi as a kid. Liked it better later

I also remember they did a cartoon of Les Misérable, and that was pretty miserable to watch lmao, hated it
@SNEK @beardalaxy @VidMasterEon @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad Aprés ya les truc comme pipoudou mais ça me fait mal d'etendre la voix de goku enfant (Brigitte Lecordier) deblaterer de la propagande woke dans un episode.
@mangeurdenuage @SNEK @VidMasterEon @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad now that is some good shit

But I've heard that's actually what you should do in these scenes on the storyboard

IIRC the scene of Maki in the shower for Fire Force has the same thing done to it
@coolboymew @SNEK @VidMasterEon @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad
>But I've heard that's actually what you should do in these scenes on the storyboard
Indeed. But but censors had to pass multiple times as noted on the boards, "don't put a big bulge on the cheek when she's eating grapes, she's not eating a hamster" "remove the 0.2mm of Areola in that scene" etc..
@coolboymew @SNEK @VidMasterEon @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad It's not made in 3D, it was made in Flash entirely 2D which you can see better in "Goultard le barbare" which is their first short https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=xoAZkxIcw0M
@coolboymew @SNEK @VidMasterEon @beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad nah, they add some 3d from time to time but it was made in flash first.
Note: Goultard is depicted with only one wife in the animation while in the comic it was 3 witches.
@beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad I loved it but hated that the plot never went anywhere. Unfortunately never got to see the end because it was around the time Saturday mornings stopped existing for me, part of that was because anime were airing till like 2AM when I got cable lmao

Iznogud, Marsupilami, Ti-Toeuf (spelling?), Kid Paddle (was on cable), Lucky Luke, the 3 Marathon anime like Totally Spies, Martin Mystery and the space one that sucks ass, La bande a Odie

And etc etc etc etc
@beardalaxy @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad

*La Bande à Ovide

It's actually from Montréal apparently, but it's part French, because none of the fucking cartoons we make are 100% ours


@Daikonradish @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad honestly it's half "the shit" and half "shit" but i still enjoyed the fuck out of it as a kid xD it has a similar idea as tron and i fuckin love tron too.

@beardalaxy @Daikonradish @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad I despise that they dropped the project carthage and franz hopper being hunted by MiBs story arc
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