Watching SF6 matches and of course the Twitch jannies are making sure no one has fun in the chat
@coolboymew lots of people getting banned for making too long of posts or laughing at pronouns

>people are still laughing at pronouns in livestream event chats

Honestly, based. This whole thing is fucking pointless, I argued about it on /r/stupidpol with someone going "what's the harm?" and the short version of it, is that we already had a system that worked (Mr/Ms in email signature and co) and this thing has been political since inception and it has currently fully slipped the slippery slope with academics, then school, wanting to use something like "egg carrier" and bullshit like that instead of male/female
@VD15 @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad misrepresenting the point tho, no one asked to replace man/woman with shit like people who give birth. It's used only when the trait your describing is the context of the discussion.
@mer @VD15 @noyoushutthefuckupdad the problem with it however is that it was a slippery slope that immediately slipped

>pronouns listing
>Immediately slipped into acception non-binary pronouns
>Immediately slipped into neopronouns
>Which then lead to this

That is the immediate issue of adopting something that was intensely politically charged from inception

There would have been no such issues with continuing to use Mr/Ms other than idiots using Mx or some shit

@mer @VD15 @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad it's funny to me that in order to escape a box that people feel they were put in, they escape the box and put themselves in a new box that's just pink instead of brown.

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