Childhood is thinking trenchcoat Mickey from Kingdom hearts is the coolest.

Manhood is knowing that Goofy (a dad trying his best) is the coolest.

I know literally nothing about kingdom hearts, and for a span of years I thought it was a fan made game because I never saw it anywhere and chalked it up to a fever dream

To be honest I know nothing about final fantasy either. If it weren’t for the memes and that big titted asian w/ the tank top I’d think it was from LOTR

All you need to know about Final Fantasy is that it makes girls with anime waifu aesthetics but without the chibi anatomy and ayylmao eyes that put other anime girls in the uncanny valley, and that's why it will always be the greatest even if certain games in the series are retarded and/or unplayable

Some of them are hot or whatever, just never played it, never knew a single person who owned it, etc.

It’s so bizarre how I was a millennial but evidently surrounded by nothing but poor kids who couldn’t get any of the cultural touchstones


@WashedOutGundamPilot @confederatehobo @chainsaw_appreciator i never was exposed to final fantasy until i got on the internet.

basically all of my friends had nintendo consoles growing up, and the ones that had playstation or xbox were really only playing like, shooters and sports games. and i was born in '96 so that's after FF had left nintendo.

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