@Rasterman corollas and camrys are some of the most reliable cars wtf LMAO
What the fuck did this retarded nigger do to wreck something with that much tolerance? Holy shit....
@Groomschild @Rasterman ayo what the FUCK man
i gotta do actual work on this car???? nigga wtf?? change the oil and shit get the fuck outta here nigga shit ass asian car
back in wakanda we dont ever gotta do any of this shit
@Groomschild @Rasterman it legitimately makes me upset that the most reliable cars are wrecked by the most retarded of niggers
They're the sole reason that German cars get a bad reputation for being reliable in the USA.

They buy older Mercedes, BMW, and Audis and never do any preventative maintenance on them and so they end up going to shit and the White Americans who have a subconscious anti German attitude due to jewish propaganda call them junk instead of realizing that niggers don't understand how to keep anything mechanical in working condition since they never even remotely understood how they work in the first place.

@GabeLakmann @rasterman @bronze @Groomschild I don't think I've ever heard someone call German cars junk here, mostly just that they sometimes aren't worth having because they're expensive to service

Very true, they can be expensive to service.

That heated seat with built in massager costs the same $1000 whether the car is new and worth $100,000 or whether it is 10-15 years old and worth $10,000. At $100,000 it is 1% of the cars value and makes sense to replace, not to mention the fact that $1000 isn't as big of a hit to the bank account of someone who can afford a $100,000 car, versus when the car is worth $10,000 and the $1,000 seat is worth 10% of the cars value.

And many people know that if you keep up on preventative maintenance that the odds of stuff going wrong in the first place is decreased drastically.

Personally, I'd be happy with paying $1,000 to fix a part on a nice car that I've saved $89,000 on by buying used, hypothetically speaking anyways.
@GabeLakmann @Rasterman @beardalaxy @Groomschild
Me? I'd learn how the car was put together and order the part so that I could replace it myself. That way I can save that part of the $1000 too.
(This is beyond the scope of a negroid brain)
The parts will still be pricey but you can def save a lot of money doing the work yourself and there are so many tutorials on youtube now that it ought to make it pretty easy to do so.

You'll have to buy tools and sometimes special tools but you still spend less than paying a mechanic and before long you won't have to buy any tools anymore either so it'll be saving you even more money.
@GabeLakmann @Rasterman @beardalaxy @bronze @Groomschild The weird hoops you have to jump through to work on VWs is my primary reason for avoiding the brand. Can't do much of your own maintenance, unfortunately.
@BowsacNoodle @Rasterman @beardalaxy @GabeLakmann @bronze @Groomschild
DONT get me started on working on VAG/BMW cars I have major autism and am a threat to society at large
@kf01 @Rasterman @beardalaxy @GabeLakmann @bronze @BowsacNoodle @Groomschild place car into standard service position for routine maintenance (go grab the engine hoist)
@Paultron @kf01 @GabeLakmann @Groomschild @Rasterman @beardalaxy @bronze Meanwhile I drove a Honda where the previous owner ignored maintenance for 40k miles and it still worked reasonably well. Like idk if the dude ever changed oil. Probably just topped it off as it blew by and leaked.
Ah yes the poor man's oil change... As long as it leaks consistently enough and you remember to add more.... 😅
@Jonaschuzzlewit @kf01 @Rasterman @beardalaxy @GabeLakmann @bronze @Groomschild @Paultron Not wrong. You're getting new oil all the time! As a bonus, you're accidentally undercoating your car. And your driveway, the road, parking lots, etc...
@kf01 @Rasterman @beardalaxy @GabeLakmann @Jonaschuzzlewit @bronze @Groomschild @Paultron I started saying "That's just oil down the drain" recently for a not my problem situation. Got a confused look from a few people but two of them caught it 😂
It's funny too because the older VW stuff was super easy to work on.. but then we have Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche to thank for that.
@bronze @GabeLakmann @Rasterman @beardalaxy @Groomschild The problem with VW in particular is you have to buy a $900 tool to swap a $40 part
VWs are decent, but that is one downside to German cars and some Japanese cars is that you have to buy specialty tools.

The American cars are getting worse about it too these days and I'm not even going to mention how expensive the scanners and software is to be able to work on newer American stuff and other stuff now.

They're trying to force you to go to the dealer just like John Deere is doing with tractors.

When my car is out of warranty, and I'm sure many many people have to deal with that these days due to a shitty economy, I don't want to have to take it to the dealership and get raped by their stupid prices.

I fix just about everything myself though and buy or borrow specialty tools when I need them.
Same here, especially with that new "kill switch" mandate the government is trying to and will probably end up forcing on manufactures.

Buy your "forever car" as soon as you can because prices will go up once people figure out what is going on and start buying up the older cars even more than they already do.
Not to forget mentioning the difficulty to service vehicles is also hostile to independent shops that have been established in communities for decades.
Yep, they're going to cause those shops to go under and piss off the people who only take their cars to "joe bob's auto repair shop LLC Inc." because they trust them and don't trust the dealership once their car is out of warranty or for that matter even while it is in warranty.

The second my car went out of warranty I'd start fixing it myself of taking it to a trustworthy independent shop unless it was some kind of rare supercar or something.
Aye, they want the daily driver to be as difficult to work on as the rare super car. It's so fucking stupid.

I want an explanation how any component of this model is supposed to be "sustainable." Aside from the notion they don't actually want you to own the vehicles and you're to regard them as disposable.
It's not sustainable, it's planned obsolescence and we all know it. Well, all of us know it anyways.. the normies not so much.
@beardalaxy @GabeLakmann @Rasterman @bronze @Groomschild If you've never heard anyone say German cars are junk, you've never talked to any mechanics.
Most mechanics like chevrolets because they're shit mobiles that are easy to fix with cheaper parts and they break down often so that mechanics make more money fixing them more often and they're often easier to work on too which is a bonus.

Fords, Toyotas, Hondas, well maintaned German cars for the most part are a little more difficult to work on but don't break down as often.
You're thinking of British cars mostly and maybe some BMWs and Audis.

Porsche and Mercedes are actually great cars. You see a lot of old Porches still on the road and a lot of Mercedes used in third world countries as taxis and stuff that are still going strong and you can't say that they keep on top of maintenance as well as they should be doing.

It's mostly Toyotas and Mercedes I see in africa and the middle east if you watch news clips, documentaries, etc.
@GabeLakmann @Rasterman @beardalaxy @bronze @Groomschild @Ricotta older 1980s audis used to be reliable, especially the quattros, but it went to shit in the 90s. autoelectrical nightmare. the most widely sold bmws from the 3 series and some 5 series are decent. especially diesel. same on merc, c class and some e class only. the most popular models have the best track records, but stay away from the rare models and the suvs.
@GabeLakmann @Rasterman @beardalaxy @bronze @Groomschild @Ricotta Agree on maintenance difficulties, and unfortunately somewhat on the durability of Chevy.
>well maintaned German car
They are wonderful for the first 100k. Then precision German engineering with tight tolerances becomes a horrible time.
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