I saw a reserved parking spaces for new and expecting mothers...

So of course I parked in that bitch and did my shopping.

I'm sorry but this has gone too far.

Handicap people even though the SUCK at driving? Sure

War veterans? Why not

But this is where I draw the line.

Am I reaching on this or is this more gynocentrism?

@basedbagel This is a baby respecting instance.
Love Babies. Hug Babies. Take babies out in the stroller. Play peek-a-boo with babies. Jingle car keys for babies. Pretend the spoon is an air plane while feeding babies. Read stories to babies. Early enrollment in preschool for babies. Buy stuffed animals for babies. Raise babies to be Christian. :1488: :cross_ortho_wooden1:

@HumongusChungus @basedbagel I was on board until sending babies to preschool was mentioned. Who knows what kind of cretins that work at preschools these days... There is nothing a preschool teaches your children that you couldn't teach them yourself.

@beardalaxy @HumongusChungus

Can you fil me in I'm kinda lost on the origin of this comment.

But I agree with you women should be at home with the kid teaching them how to read. That's what my mom did for me.

@basedbagel @HumongusChungus I'm guessing you have poast muted or your instance does lol that's who I was replying to

@beardalaxy @HumongusChungus

My bad I thought this as a standalone post not a response.

Dam I feel dumb lol.

But I agree preschool is just nonsensical and unsanitary for most.

But the cost of living is too high for most to have a stay-at-home wife Ah well

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