@lebronjames75 I saw

This is utterly retarded to do to an audience that mostly knows how to pirate

@coolboymew @lebronjames75 i honestly do not think the audience of funimation/crunchyroll knows how to pirate, or if they do they are way too lazy to. they'll just accept this sadly and continue to pay for it.

@beardalaxy @coolboymew @lebronjames75 >they are way too lazy to
Worse than that, a lot of them don't do it because it's "immoral".

@Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 surely there are a lot like that, but look at my reply to that post. some people are legitimately just too lazy and they have become too used to the convenience.

@beardalaxy @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Which surprises me because there are programs out there like Miru and Stremio (shilling it once again, 0.00000000000001 bitcoin deposited in my account) exist. They are piss easy to use and offer a lot of convenience.
@beardalaxy @Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 That blows my mind because pirating nowadays is a breeze compared to the days of Limewire/Kazaa
@Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 last thing i stole was a copy of factorio, much as the game is good and i'd totally buy it, i acutally am that poor right now, LOL
@givenup @beardalaxy @Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 I'm going to pirate Skyrim just so I can use the mods I want since the last "update" bricked half of them.
@Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @givenup @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Why would they break it after all this time? It's not like they are going to release a new edition with special and non-backwards compatible mod tools, right? Haha imagine if they would haha that'd be crazy haha Todd would never haha :sweat:
@Kerosene @beardalaxy @givenup @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Basically they issued an update that forces you to use the Creations Club. I don't know enough about coding to know why exactly it bricks all the mods outside of the Club but it does.

@Shadowbroker2135 @Kerosene @givenup @coolboymew @lebronjames75 every single time there is any sort of update at all it breaks Skyrim Script Extender, which a lot of mods use. basically any update that changes anything a mod touches will break the mod as well. this isn't a skyrim specific issue though, it's an issue with i'd say the majority of games that allow for modding. it's not directly malicious, but when they're doing it just to add paid mod shit it's stupid lol.

@beardalaxy @Kerosene @givenup @coolboymew @lebronjames75 I've gone through it with Rimworld but RW at least has the decency to let you use older versions of the game.
@Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 It's one of those propaganda things. Media tells people that pirating is super hard and is a one way trip to getting your computer hacked.

So must never try it
@Groomschild @beardalaxy @Kerosene @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Back in 08 that might've been true. My computer was constantly getting AIDS. Currently at worse I get a letter from Comcast asking me to "pwease staph pirating from Mr. jew" if I forget to turn my VPN on.
@Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @Groomschild @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Do Americans really get harassed by their ISPs that way? Nuts, pirating is so ingrained in our wetback genome that a lot of us didn't even know vidya was something you would pay for until we reached age of maturity.
@Kerosene @beardalaxy @Groomschild @Shadowbroker2135 @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Yeah, one time Cox cut my internet midway through my wife torrenting a movie. First movie and we didn't even finish the download and they axed our connection and started lecturing us when we called.

Anyone that thinks Comcast is the worst has never dealt with Cox. They're awful.
@mrsaturday @Kerosene @Groomschild @Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @coolboymew @lebronjames75
>awful provider
Of course that cable company is going to be a bag of dicks. EVEN THE NAME is a fracturing of "cocks".

@Kerosene @Groomschild @Shadowbroker2135 @coolboymew @lebronjames75 depends on the ISP. centurylink never gave a shit back when i had it like 3 years ago. comcast will give you i think 3 warnings and then buttfuck your internet so you have to call them and apologize and say you won't do it again. then if you do it 3 more times your internet is buttfucked forever.

so yeh, vpn is good. these days though i mean you can just hook up free protonvpn and use it for your pirating needs for a sec. don't really need anything too crazy.

that really is just for torrenting, though. downloading from other places like archive.org isn't gonna get you shit. the only reason torrents get you in trouble is because they expose your IP and there are always MPAA fucks and the like in the pool looking at IPs and sending notices.

@berkberkman @Kerosene @Groomschild @Shadowbroker2135 @coolboymew @lebronjames75 right because they can't lol, all they know is you're on MEGA. only way it would be an issue would be if MEGA themselves snitched on you.

@beardalaxy @Kerosene @Groomschild @coolboymew @lebronjames75 I haven't been pirating movies/tv shows as much anymore because everything sucks.

@Shadowbroker2135 @Kerosene @Groomschild @coolboymew @lebronjames75 tbh same. i pirated baldur's gate 3 because i knew i probably wouldn't play it much, and i was right lol. only played for 3 hours. would have been outside of the refund window for $60 so yeah glad i didn't buy it, wouldn't have money for it anyway.

most stuff though these days isn't even worth pirating xD plus i've got so much other shit to play.

@beardalaxy @Groomschild @Shadowbroker2135 @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Interesting. I remember I once tried torrenting Steins;Gate and other anime through I2P which completely masks your IP. It wasn't nearly as slow as I imagined, actually faster than normal web browsing using I2Ps eepsites which are glacially slow. It was pretty comfy :comfynight:
@Kerosene @beardalaxy @Groomschild @coolboymew @lebronjames75 I pirate anime through Nyaa, even without a vpn my ISP never gives a shit if I'm downloading anime.
@Shadowbroker2135 @Kerosene @beardalaxy @Groomschild @coolboymew @lebronjames75
It's the major movies that have torrents whose swarms are being watched.
Warez is the best way to get flix.
@Shadowbroker2135 @beardalaxy @coolboymew @lebronjames75 Normalfags don't know what it's like to get 400 viruses up the ass after downloading Smash Mouth - All Star.exe, all they know is swipe credit card and enter Paypal account information.
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