
I can't view my notifications on Husky. Tried two different devices, it takes a long time to load and then says "Network error." On a PC, I can only load the first 20 notifications, anything older refuses to load. Do you know what's going on?
@redneonglow my guess is spam
Husky can't handle if the data isn't just right.

A lot of moon's tests a few months back did the same thing.

Is the problem present on the web fe?
@sjw On PC, nothing loads after the first 20 notifications. On Husky, nothing loads at all.
@sjw Is there any way to "clear" the notifications on PC like you can with Husky?
@sjw Husky wont load any notifications at all.

I'm gonna try one of the other frontends and see what happens.
@sjw Tried the other two frontends, still wont load older notifications.
@sjw Can you manually clear my notifications somehow so I can use Husky again?

@sjw @redneonglow every now and then i'll get a weird notification on husky and it will crash whenever i go into notifications until i've had enough new ones come in. i think it might be when you're getting alerts for people's posts and they delete something they've posted.

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