@ninja8tyu when i was in preschool i wet my pants and my teacher flushed my underwear down the toilet then blamed it on me

@beardalaxy several questions are raised, i presume most have obvious inductive answers, but of the ones that aren't as clear, how did the teacher get the underwear off if that was his goal

@ninja8tyu i've never thought about it lol. i just have a very vivid memory of her flushing my underpants down the toilet and i know for a fact i didn't do that. that preschool was cock. the teacher would also have to like, take out slivers from kids' butts because the playground was made entirely out of wood.


@ninja8tyu and this is just the tip of the iceberg of weird fucking childhood trauma lol, and people wonder why i'm so odd.

@beardalaxy i think there's a lot of people who grew messed up because of childhood shit

it's just recently, we decided to turn peoples' weird quirks into red flags
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