Politician get through a speech without using the term "kitchen table" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

@r000t my favourite part of the american kitchen table is how they use the cost of thanksgiving every year to signal the economy is strong

@synapsid @r000t @graf that sure lasted a long time

my cheap ass hot dog buns ALONE are 60c more than they were last year

@graf @r000t @synapsid i would need to consume 3x the amount of hot dogs for that to become financially responsible xD

@beardalaxy @graf @synapsid yeah costco stopped making sense for me when I realized all the shit I was buying in bulk was spoiling before I could finish it

certain things like butter are also usually cheaper at aldi

@r000t @graf @synapsid yeah i only buy food for myself and some things i get from the grocery store already spoil before i get to them, i wish they came in SMALLER packages lmao


@r000t @graf @synapsid this shit is ridiculous. i started seeing the boxed theater candy getting smaller as well. not only are things more expensive now but they're ALSO smaller.

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