Is Xbox one worth getting in 2024 :Thinkeyes:

Edit: no, it’s not. It’s not even going to offer what I wanted in the first place :catstare: being a “better upgrade” from one shitty system to another doesn’t make it good.

@riserise I guess alternatively, in a roundabout way, I’m asking “how much would I need for a PC to play Skyrim content mods”. I saw price ranges in the $800-1300 range and shat myself IN. REAL. TIME. JK, but seriously, PC gaming has always seemed like a rich man’s hobby.


@RehnSturm256 @riserise it's because you're meant to get a gaming pc as a way to do multiple things with it. It doesn't JUST game, you can do a lot more and you theoretically have a lot more freedom with the games. If you're playing online, that extra $300 will make itself up within a few years anyway too.

@beardalaxy @riserise maybe so, I’ve heard that benefit as well, but I don’t have anything else to do with a full on rig. 😕

@RehnSturm256 @riserise emulation, mods, sailing the seven seas, all easier and better on PC :) once you get into multiple monitors and shit too it's so nice to just have everything running off of one box.

@beardalaxy @RehnSturm256 @riserise Not to mention the price isn't that bad if you buy used. And the fact to upgrade need to just buy a new GPU every five years and other parts like closer to a decade. Or just stop playing AAA games and keep the same PC for couple decades.

It is easily worth it when you start doing some calculus about how many hours you will use the same PC during those five years. I bet everyone here uses their PC averaging at least an hour a day, so for example a thousand euros (expensive PC) is around 0.55 euros per hour (1000/(365*5)=0.55). I for one can't name many hobbies which such a hourly price. And that's with "just" a hour per day average usage.

@beardalaxy just found out the things I wanted to try aren’t even covered by le console in full. :02awoo: PC upgrade it is.

@disabled @beardalaxy funny enough it will be my desire to play decade+ old Bethesda games that will finally push me out of my comfort zone :blobcatpeek:

@RehnSturm256 @disabled it's like that meme where somebody spends $2,000 on a brand new computer just to emulate gamecube games lmao that was me for a little while xD

@beardalaxy @RehnSturm256 Now adays you can emulate gamecube games on a like few hundred dollar miniPC, which is actually cheaper than an actual gamecube and a physical copy of the best gamecube game ever made.

Not to mention, you don’t have to worry about the disk getting scratched over time or any of those other pesky failures present in the older hardware.

I say it’s worth it.

@disabled @beardalaxy Jesus, those prices :02_sweat: I hope Gacha Force really is good enough to sell my kidney for. :JahyDead: I’m trusting you on this Disa! :blobdoctor:

@RehnSturm256 @beardalaxy I played it more than any other game, probably in my entire life, honestly. I still play it to this day, absolutely love it.

@RehnSturm256 @beardalaxy I’ve even considered buying a physical copy just to have it. Though I ended up just buying a replica case, and i’m going to 3D print some accessories and maybe add a microSD card with the rom on it or something cool like that.

@disabled @beardalaxy yeah! make your own collectibles! Ive seen great projects like that :blobcataww:

@RehnSturm256 yup yup, sometimes you gotta bite the bullet. But it'll pay off. Especially if you're trying to do Skyrim mods, I'd say like half the mods out there especially more extensive ones need stuff like SKSE that isn't supported on console.

If you HAD to get a console I'd recommend a Series S but it's not *really* worth it unless you're seriously strapped for cash and can't wait a little bit to save up some funds. Or for those that don't want to deal with computer downsides (shader cache stutter in modern games, more troubleshooting, etc).

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