What an absolutely wonderful Easter. :ayaya: Christ is risen, Christ is king.
@sjw I have seen zero trannies today so they are failing at tranny visibility day. :shrug:
@sjw Things I saw today:
1) Some dude got an actual holy sword so he could go kill demons
2) Cinnamon ice cream
3) A small kid get the biggest chocolate bunny either and get real excited over it
4) Absolutely zero troons

In terms of visibility troons got beaten by the Easter Bunny, Christ, and a schizophrenic ice cream man as far as I'm concerned.
there aren't many icecream men left, but the ones who still exist are out here doing gods work

@Tony @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @sjw the only ice cream men i see anymore are ones who lurk around food trucks to try and steal their customers. they may or may not be child predators anymore but they are still very predatory in their business practices.

the *food truck* ice cream men are fucking awesome though. pay a couple bucks more so you can get the best ice cream you've ever had in your life.

In some of the low income parts of the city I live in there are ice cream men around.

It's weird because it only seems to be a thing in low income communities.
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