
@freddie_the_fed @Tamamo I watched him back when he did creepy gaming. Then he started doing rants about shit and had some weird takes and then his channel became a drama channel more than anything else.

The dude downloaded and played Sad Satan knowing there was CP in it for the content (where he pretends to be viciously sick to his stomach but continues playing anyway). I think that's a little dubious. It's obviously censored, but it would have been better to, idk, not capitalize on that shit.

There were also a few times he didn't censor certain deep web links on the lists he'd go through for his videos and I never noticed anyone else pointing that out. I reported the videos but idk if they got removed or censored or anything.

No longer a fan, to say the least. He's got some weird stuff going on but is able to hide it just well enough for most people to not notice unless you've been in the trenches a bit. This gay panda dude knows. With how often this shit happens you begin to notice a pattern. When I was younger I chalked it up to him just making mistakes or something but looking back on it, If I was mature enough to notice that kind of stuff was sketchy then surely he should have been.

@freddie_the_fed @Tamamo there was this weird horror game designed for content farming, the original channel claimed it was a horror game from the deep web. He put a download up for it at some point and it got tainted with viruses, CP, and gore really fast. The guy disappeared after that. Mutahar played it knowing what was in it and was like fake overreacting to it the whole time, dry heaving and shit. Then he reported the game to the Canadian feds or something like that. Really weird.

@freddie_the_fed @Tamamo everyone talks about how he's into gore shit as a gotcha but I never see anyone talk about how he played a game with literal cp in it and uploaded his censored playthrough which garnered lots of clicks since the game was kind of trending at the time. That was back in like 2015 I wanna say.

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