Huh. I just realized. I haven't heard *anything* about Blue Protocol in a while, even from my friends who were interested in it.
Is it truly doing that poorly or something? :guraKekw:

@Ronnie21093 it still hasn't launched outside of Japan, and it's pretty damn dead. Bad monetization, gear has no cosmetics, no player store, the same content repeated over and over, no housing, etc.

We'll probably see a surge in players and people talking about it when it launches globally.

@beardalaxy Lmao, oh well. They partnered with Amazon, so the game deserves to go down in flames :kekw:

@Ronnie21093 everyone was saying it was going to "kill ngs" and i was pretty confident that wouldn't be the case lol. a lot of these games are kind of a dime a dozen. a lot of people thought tower of fantasy was going to do that also but look, it now has half the playerbase :P

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