
My game is gonna be dope. I'm biased but I'm enjoying it so far, even with all the rough edges. Every now and then something will happen in the game that I didn't expect out didn't remember and I'll get hype. Hopefully you'll have a good time with it too! I think there's something special about it, but my brain keeps on giving me a punch and saying "no dumbass it's just like every other rpg maker game."

@beardalaxy sometimes rpg maker games are good.
but don't send me a copy because i'll destroy your dreams.

@icedquinn I won't have to send you one, it's going to be free ;D feel free to destroy my dreams. I'm sure the main point of criticism will be the default assets that are used. But I hope that I can provide a full-length RPG that is fun to play and is a lot closer to the roots of the JRPG genre than a lot of games that end up being made with the engine. Not a slight against them or anything, still great games, but there is a lack of this type of game when it comes to RPG Maker other than unfinished/low quality projects. Most are either hentai, horror games, or depression fuel. The really good classic RPGs made with RPG Maker tend to be older (such as Ara Fell or Blackmoon Prophecy).

My game certainly isn't a polished art showcase or an epic tale that'll make you feel things you've never felt before, but I think it has its charms and unique elements!

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