@deprecated_ii I genuinely despise boomers who say shit like this.

@Ronnie21093 @deprecated_ii that is how it works for basic jobs, but nothing that you could reliably make a living off of.

@beardalaxy @deprecated_ii I'm not sure what kind of basic jobs you're talking about, because where I live, you either need established connections already or they make you do an online application.
Generally speaking, the boomer ways of getting hired don't work anymore. :akko_tired:

@Ronnie21093 @deprecated_ii mainly service industry stuff. food, retail, that sort of thing. there are even some stores around here that have notices saying they accept walk-in interviews.

@beardalaxy @Ronnie21093 @deprecated_ii can confirm, issue is fast food jobs have high turnover, drugged out managers on speed/adderall, getting sent home because of high labor, and "if you have time to lean you have time to clean".

But they're something for the resume of getting hired at a slightly better entry level job. The trick is to work your way up, this is what everyone under 30 does because there is no way in hell you're gonna work years at Wal-Mart unless you're a special needs individual (and preferably in a less trashy area), or to try to become a manager. Why manager?

Because becoming a manger opens the door to a better job even better. Of course, the problem is you're going to be tard wrangling urban youths.

Protip: your job is shit if everyone is quoting that guy from Office Space.
>or they make you do an online application
This. Spotted a sign that said "Now Hiring". Girl there didn't know a thing about it, not even if it was part-time. Didn't want to touch a physical resume either, wrote out an e-mail address where I could send it. The era of Just Call is a long forgotten memory.

Might work if the owner is retiring and you want to buy the business, then you can be an unpaid intern.
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