this thread is another prime example of why there is no culture being created on the right and all forms of entertainment are dominated by the left
some retarded faggot sees a form of media, with both the good and the bad in it, and decides "well akshually ALL of this is degenerate and anyone who likes it is a degenerate" often followed up by "real aryan men pick up sticks and watch paint dry and subscribe to my racist podcast"
then there's rightoids letting perfect be the enemy of good. you CAN'T be a non-political vtuber and just yap and play games and be silly and sing on stream, you HAVE to go full 1488 giga-hitler and call for TND at every opportunity or you're a secret leftoid. if this hypothetical vtuber were to exist, rightoids would *still* find a way to purity spiral and seethe because they criticized some aspect of hitler's national socialist ideals from mein kampf and thought mussolini's fascism makes a better solution to the problems we're facing 90 years later.
third, the right is completely unwilling to pay for anything or support anyone. some of this can be excused by the decades of nothing but grifters preying on gullible boomercons, but there's a point where a reasonable level of caution to avoid being a chump crosses over into pure stinginess and entitlement that all entertainers should turn down the left's pile of ESG money, fight an uphill battle against deplatforming and twitter freak running harassment campaigns, and cater to their exact taste in hyper-specific political autism, all for free because it's the heckin right thing to do or something.

@skylar it really boils down to people letting politics run their lives. and I don't mean ideology, I mean politics. no one creates, everyone reacts. it's a destructive mindset.
@skylar on the topic, I came across this letter C.S. Lewis wrote to someone asking about writing "Christian fiction". I've always been bugged by works that feel obligated to virtue signal their right-wing or Christian beliefs and he had a good answer.

>We must not of course write anything that will flatter lust, pride or ambition. But we needn’t all write patently moral or theological work. Indeed, work whose Christianity is latent may do quite as much good and may reach some whom the more obvious religious work would scare away. The first business of a story is to be a good story. When Our Lord made a wheel in the carpenter shop, depend upon it: It was first and foremost a good wheel. Don’t try to ‘bring in’ specifically Christian bits: if God wants you to serve him in that way (He may not: there are different vocations) you will find it coming in of its own accord. If not, well—a good story which will give innocent pleasure is a good thing, just like cooking a good nourishing meal. . . . Any honest workmanship (whether making stories, shoes, or rabbit hutches) can be done to the glory of God.

we would find ourselves in a better place if everyone just took things as "fun" and "good" rather than "based and redpilled".

@bleedingphoenix @skylar that is where so many counter culture things fail. they go way too hard with being "based" and then what they make ends up being not only cringeworthy/tryhard but also shitty. lefty games might sometimes have annoying shit in them but at least the games are usually pretty fun and well built. righty games are low quality shit posts that won't have any lasting power.

@beardalaxy @skylar I felt that way with Steamboat Willie going into the public domain. literally anyone has the ability to make an original Mickey Mouse story now for money, but all I've seen people doing is the equivalent of graffiti. same with Winnie the Pooh. felt just as crappy as when some libtard reboots a classic franchise to spew their garbage.
@mischievoustomato @beardalaxy @skylar you're one to talk but i agree, part of that is probably just internet shitposting. doesn't excuse the low-effort horror games for Mickey and Winnie the Pooh that sprang into action.

i might be sexually into stuff people consider degenerate, but the stuff I create tends to be normal stuff, or at least not soul crushing or horrible like wojak/soyjak edits or other weird shit

@mischievoustomato @skylar @bleedingphoenix when I talk about degeneracy I'm usually not talking about just art, and what people like, it's usually about how they act. Someone can be into gore and vore shit but still be pretty cool, but then you have the people who are shitting in diapers and leaving them in hotel stairways or fucking dead animals. Or not even that extreme, degenerate behavior can even be just playing video games 24/7 and not working on your goals or responsibilities. Or all the gooning shit.


@mischievoustomato @skylar @bleedingphoenix most people probably have something they like that someone else would consider "degenerate." it's when people are actually being a nuisance to society or are failing themselves or their loved ones that they are truly being degenerates.

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