Got em in way earlier than I thought I would! Unboxed pictures soon(tm). David and Lucy are going to my friends so it'll take a bit to get photos of them unboxed but Rebecca is mine heheheh :spy_anya_smug:

@beardalaxy Sorry, I have no idea the IP for this. Let me show up 40 year olf images of big robits from the transformers and tell you a long dissertation about my autism.
Autistic feels jokes aside, what series is this? I ignant. ✅

@AngryWraith cyberpunk edgerunners. Based on the game cyberpunk 2077, which is based on the ttrpg. The action was good and the music is fantastic, but I personally didn't like most of the character behavior and thought the story got to torture porn levels. Everyone will say "it's cyberpunk so it's supposed to be bleak" but a lot of the writing here just didn't make sense and felt pretty forced. That might be because it was only 10 episodes, so perhaps it they had more time or a bigger budget they could have lengthened it a little bit and fleshed out some parts. The visuals and animation in general are great and the character designs are cool, I just have some problems with the writing that made me not enjoy it in the end.

I bought these figures because my friends who watched it did enjoy it (and most people seemed to), and I also just like Rebecca she's probably the best character plus she's cute and funny.

@beardalaxy Ahhh, I thank you. I've been out of triple AAA gaming for a long time and didn't know the reference and the background. How fas-cim-in-a-tim-ing. :blobthanks:
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