sigh... pso2 global community having a real one about the loli question again. further reasoning why sega decided to increase the height minimum for character creation.

idk man, looking at a short character in a skimpy outfit dancing on a pole in an anime video game and immediately thinking "THIS IS A CHILD AND YOU SHOULD BE PUT ON A LIST" seems a little unhinged to me.

@beardalaxy meanwhile the game itself seems like it's too gacha now

@PurpCat it is nowhere close to gacha imo, i won't touch gacha games with a ten foot pole.

@PurpCat the way monetization works in pso2 has BARELY changed since its inception and if anything it is easier to get cosmetic stuff than ever

@beardalaxy I just saw steam reviews not happy about that or the new ngs expansion

@PurpCat in many ways, this meme rings true. i won't get too extensive with it because i've already word vomited about it tons of times but i think a lot of complaints are pretty poor and based on the 8 years of content that got condensed into 1 for the global release of pso2. it's a fun game and it makes a LOT of substantial improvements over the base game.

there are genuine complaints to be made, but man i even had a friend who said there wasn't enough content in the game for him despite not finishing all of the content and not waiting for anything new in the endgame. just basically regurgitating the opinions of content creators who sensationalize every bit of negativity yet still play the game on a daily basis. this one dude made three massive videos dunking on NGS but still played it all the time and then got banned for making porn in his creative space.

like i'm all good if you don't like the content, but there's enough stuff to do. i don't play the stuff i don't like and i still get on every day.

i do think it's a game that you can't play literally all the time like ffxiv but i don't want a game like that so i'm totally fine with logging on once a day for an hour or two. people with nothing better to do are really like "man why can't i play PSO2 for 8 hours a day like i can with ffxiv??"


@PurpCat there are things i don't like about the game, like the lack of concerts, and i wish the story would be more of a focus, but for a completely free game that's actually still really fun to play i don't have much to complain about. like, no game out there is going to be perfect, but if it's fun then it's fun and that's all i really give a shit about.

@beardalaxy my issue with PSO2 is it's not PSU and I am literally addicted like meth to PSU, or I was at one point.

Clementine has helped my fix.
@beardalaxy (I'm being honest though, I managed to get a high ass level on clementine recently, I could probably hit 200 if I had time like I used to before I got this job)
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