whitest kids u know has a live stream up of all their sketches. it's censored to hell. fuckin lame. can't have blood or dildos in our offensive comedy i guess.

oh and there's the "sensitive subjects" warning >_> i'm so sick and tired of this gay shit

@Pawlicker the uncensored ones are ON YOUTUBE ON THEIR CHANNEL but the stream has to be censored for some reason? trevor is dead and wkuk died with him.

@beardalaxy wkuk without Trevor might as well not exist he was the glue holding it together he shouldn't have gotten drunk all he had to do was quit drinking

@Pawlicker there's still a small part of me that thinks the globalists got him

@beardalaxy the fucked up shit my friend circle did while drunk is why I won't do it

@BiggusDiccus @Pawlicker that's pretty creepy, but apparently it's in regards to hitting an Amazon drone with a baseball bat on your roof, then slipping and falling lol. Also, the uploader is completely unhinged lol.

I guess the really weird part is that it was recorded. You know, all the time we're talking about weird ways that someone could die, but if the one time my friend said "imagine if you died like this" and that is the one out of everything else that actually happened, it would certainly be creepy.

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