‘Transitioning’ teen arrested in Florida after faking home invasion, killing mom and mom’s boyfriend: police | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com


@mitchconner @PNS it’s always whiteness and never the fact that they’re taking brain altering chemicals and being groomed on discord

I'm always confused with these articles. So it's a "real-woman" who wanted to be a fake-man, right? ... Female double homicides and mass shootings are pretty rare, so I guess it's good we're finally getting some equal representation! We still need more female serial killers though.

@djsumdog @jeff @marine @mitchconner @PNS To be serious for a moment, injecting excess testosterone does seem to have a very bad effect on women. Even those on low doses report reduced impulse control, violent tendencies, etc.

(Whether it is objectively more likely to cause antisocial behaviour in women than naturally occurring testosterone is in men is an interesting question. Does it affect women more, or are men better adapted / socialised / trained to deal with the side effects having gone through gradually increasing amounts during puberty, etc.)

@Flick @marine @djsumdog @jeff @PNS The doctors who push "sex changes" are at least as evil as any of the nazi doctor stories we've heard, regardless of how true they may have been. I still think we need to pity these people as victims at some point. Only God can give these doctors the justice they deserve. The hormones are killing them.
@mitchconner @Flick @PNS @djsumdog @jeff @marine there's a difference between someone swindled into this, and someone swindling others into it out of malice.

remember this.
@jeff @PurpCat @djsumdog @marine @Flick @PNS >Doctors
>Promise to help you be healthy
>Inject you with poison
kind of the theme eh? I stopped taking all prescription drugs a couple years ago and now meet all my needs with over the counter supplements. The Now Natural Clinical Cardio supplement has been more helpful than the TWO drugs I was on. Now I'm not drenched with sweat all the time like I was for most of my life.

@mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick I was on lots of different meds for depression and epilepsy throughout high school and they fucked me up hardcore. The therapy I had while on them was ass. Took a couple years after stopping taking them to feel normal again. Those high school years feel like a completely different person lived them, like I watched someone else's memories. It's really weird.

My best friend got his degree in pharmacology last year and has already quit. Says he hates the culture and doesn't want to be complicit in fucking people over because he's seen it happen in real time. I hope one day we look back on all of this and see what a monstrous machine it was.

@beardalaxy @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick I wish I had a source handy but there is some lady who did a study recently and discovered that a (perhaps large) majority of mental health workers are psychopaths and or sociopaths who get off on manipulating people, and when she published her findings, they proved her wrong by coming at her like rabid dogs

@mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick in my case the therapists either were weaving God into it since I live in Mormonville or seemed less interested in helping me get better and more interested in getting me out of the office. I was also really closed in and they didn't really do anything that made me trust them enough to open up. It's a bit blurry though too, maybe my parents had something to do with it because I know my siblings had therapy issues because of that.

I'm really weary about the entire field of psychology/psychiatry these days. When I was younger, my father forced me to go to therapy for my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (hand washing, nothing to do with germs, several times an hour; would try out and crack my hands). I didn't really see a problem with it and just wish people would leave me alone. One center recommended getting the whole family in for group. My dad took me somewhere else that would just give me drugs. I don't think he wanted to see himself as the problem.

All the drugs sucked. I hated them. Lots of side-effected. Tired all the time. Thankfully I never improved and came off all of them and got my dad to just fucking stop before high school.

In University I tried therapy on my own. I'd state my OCD as the reason, because I didn't want to admit to the depression. One doc was a quick fixer; wanted as few sessions as possible. Another girl cancelled three appointments in a row and I stopped rescheduling.

I had one and only one decent shrink in my life. It was just for a summer, she helped expose bad patterns in my thinking, and I think my outlook on the world changed significantly. She still pushed drugs even though I said I didn't like them, and I stopped talking the SSRIs once when I got so woozy I wrecked a car in a ditch (first and only totaled vehicle that was my fault. There was one other where a woman ran a stop sign).

All that being said, one of my best friends is bipolar/schizo-effective. Two years back everyone got really worried about him cause he stopped talking his meds, started showing up unannounced at peoples' houses, had friends call the sheriff multiple times on him. He was totally apologetic after; defending none of this actions. He said he could see how crazy he got in retrospect, and felt deeply ashamed. One pill, one anti-psychotic, is all that keeps him from being a normal guy to being paranoid and unable to hold a job.

There are a few people who need medical intervention, but the vast majority do not. What's especially troubling are parents who send their kids to therapy, which likely causes all types of problems that normally wouldn't arise (see Joe Rogan #2109 with Abigail Shrier; who just wrote a book on the issues with child therapy).

@jeff @PurpCat @djsumdog @marine @Flick @mitchconner @PNS wish I had better friends in general sometimes :feels_lain_man: I'd say "alright guys let's be friends! :D" but you can't really force that can you lol

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