
Slight doom posting 

With each passing day, I acknowledge more that I may end up just being the cool uncle. Kids think I'm fucking awesome. I just lack the ability to be appealing to anybody that wants kids. It's not even a self-confidence thing, the fact of the matter is that there are guys in the dating pool at all times much more capable than I am and I don't have the looks to back up the areas where I'm lacking. I think I would make a great spouse and a great dad, but the woman who also sees and believes that would have to be incredibly patient and supportive and we kind of live in a time where you don't need to be patient, and being supportive of yourself is already hard enough for a lot of people.

And of course, the one girl that was like that I had to go and screw things up with. I'm still malding about that even ten years later :meru_lul: would have maybe been another one too, but religion mismatch killed it for her.

Slight doom posting 

@beardalaxy i dun really know how the whole thing with women works. the good ones aren't really online for the most part i guess and i don't really have access to much else than online :blobcatgooglybadumtss:

i guess the only thing i can say is don't mess it up because gods a shitter that will happily give you just one opportunity and then fuck off for the rest of your life
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