
The penguinz0 Situation Is Insane... 

hey what's up, i just wanted to talk about the insane situation that i, penguinz0, aka charlie, aka moistcr1tikal, aka cr1tikal, have been facing over the last couple of days.

look, when i was a kid i was almost trans. then i jerked off, i choked the chicken, i squeezed the hog even, and realized that no, i liked having a penis. but not every kid likes to have a penis. if a kid wants to become a freak of nature and their parents are okay with it, who am i to stop them? i'm not their dad, although some people do call me daddy.

i have this opinion and i am getting hate for it online, which is completely ridiculous. i don't hate people that have different opinions than me. opinions are like assholes, everyone's got them, and some people just don't wipe sometimes. and boy did i forget to wipe this time. you know, i got a little bit of brown on my taint and i walked around with it long enough for it to cause a rash. so, i'm going to be investing in some bidets and testing them out over the next few weeks, where there won't be any videos except the ones i've already scheduled. i'll let you know where they rank on the moist meter with my 8 foot tall friend once i have shot water up my butthole enough times to make a kid think they are gay for liking it.

that's it. see ya.

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