
so i've been watching silent hill ascension, and it's truly, utterly horrible. in pretty much every way imaginable. people are debating whether or not it is made with AI and the consensus seems to be that AI would do a better job.

i just got to the part where two characters, one who is married to a different woman, are about to partake in a "merging ritual" so that their souls can become one and they will be stronger, so they can take on "the withering." basically they are going to bang and it's only very lightly veiled as a ritual.

oh yeah and this "withering" is what they call the transition to the world where all the monsters are. except it's not really the same as silent hill where it is a parallel world, it seems like it is a different plane that can connect people even through different continents. 9 episodes in, and "silent hill" hasn't been mentioned ONCE. it's like a completely brand new story that they decided to slap the silent hill name on just because. there is no connection whatsoever.

it's cringe but in a way that makes you want to see how much worse it can possibly get lol. it's rife with inconsistencies, horrible dialogue and acting, uncanny animations, and complete nonsensical and unexplained behaviors/motivations. it is closer to The Room than any other piece of media i've witnessed and if it weren't being touted as silent hill i'd love it xD

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