
Whenever I'm feeling panicky or my heart is hurting, this is my go-to song. It's sad and usually makes me cry, especially knowing the story of the game it is from and some things in my life that have happened since I first heard it. Still, it always helps me calm down. Everything's alright.

This is one of those times that lightning was caught in a bottle. From the story of the game to the music composed for it, to Laura's voice. It strikes a very potent chord. If you haven't played/watched To The Moon before, you really should. It's incredibly touching and on my top 100 games list for a damn good reason. It's not really a "game" as much as it is a visual novel to be completely honest, so you can get away with watching it instead, but it's relatively short and definitely worth checking out.

It's supposed to be getting an anime movie adaptation soon too, which I'm looking forward to and I hope it is handled well. I hope it's still in production. It started in 2018 and with the pandemic and stuff that might have changed things, being produced in Japan and funded by a Chinese company. When it comes out though, you'll bet I'll find any way I can to watch it or buy it.

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