Just got back from the new Deadpool/Wolverine movie. Gotta say, it was fucking fantastic. There was a tiny bit of cringe in there with the Deadpool dog but other than that it was really fun. Tons of great jokes, I was dying the whole time, and the action is great too. As someone who doesn't really like superhero movies and isn't a movie guy in general, and who thought Deadpool 2 was a lot weaker than the first one, I gotta say this takes the cake. Highly recommend!


After watching the abomination that was Silent Hill Ascension, watching this was like "finally some good fucking food!"

There was a moment with some really weird CGI towards the end of the movie that I noticed, but for the most part the effects were really good. Not much wrong with the movie and that's also coming from someone who thought he was tired of the Ryan Reynolds shtick. It works for Deadpool extremely well. You can tell they had a lot of fun with the movie but also had great direction for it.

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