
Beard autism ramble 

I wonder why my parents never took me to get an autism screening tbh. I think it's because my cousin is VERY autistic and they were like "well beard isn't like that." If anything, I'm only mildly autistic lol. I don't think I am but I have a lot of traits that if I saw in my kid I'd be like... Yeah, let's get you checked out xD

I was thinking about this today because a kid was buying wooden pencils for school and I always HATED writing with pencils, especially wooden ones. I hate the way they feel in my fingers, I hate the way they feel to write with, I hate the scratchy noises they make... I would write with a pen instead any chance I got and sometimes got scolded for scribbling out things because I couldn't erase them.

Then that got me thinking about how particular I am with my food. I'm not a picky eater, but I never eat or drink two things at once. If I sit down for a meal, I won't eat my fries or drink anything until I'm finished with my burger. If I've got a plate full of different foods I'll eat each food on its own. When I was younger I used to hate it when they touched but these days I don't mind.

Just makes me wonder why they didn't see signs and think something of it. Instead I mostly just got made fun of by my family for certain things lol. Then again, there are other problems like my mood disorder that just went completely unchecked and I basically had to try and rewire my brain to the best of my ability all by myself :blob_dizzy_face:

On the other hand though, I'm pretty good at in-person conversation. I can maintain eye contact and stuff, though I do ramble a LOT and that makes its way over to text too lol. It's the social stuff I don't really have a problem with. So I don't think I'm actually autistic, but it's just funny that my parents never even thought to make sure xD

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