you can cry, you can bitch, you can moan. Activision will treat you like Jagex is treating OSRS fans or how your shit wagie job treats you and put their phone on silent.

I was around for XLabs, AlterIW, many many forgotten ones like Repz or similar.

You will keep getting assfucked until you learn to write your own CoD like.

@YeetLibs @PurpCat uhhh idk about that one exactly. They shut down an HD unity client for the game because they were working on their own (worse) HD version. I'm pretty sure they don't like runelite and it's just barely even allowed to exist but I can't remember the specifics there. Then there's the recent thing where they changed the character gender selection to body type a/b and introduced player pronouns + lady beards. No community vote for that like they're supposed to do. Speaking of community vote, they voted for sailing to be added a year ago and there's still nothing.

There are a lot more historic things too, they've definitely not been a shining beacon over the years.

@branman65 @beardalaxy @YeetLibs i knew this dude on furry twitter back in the day he was a one trick pony his entire personality was "I am gay I have gay sex"

@PurpCat @branman65 @YeetLibs many such cases. Those are the people I have an issue with mainly.

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