looking at rpg architect right now... man, this might be the one i go with guys. it's rpg maker on steroids. i wish it was around when i started working on god's disdain because it would have made so many things i wanted to do but didn't have enough time/willpower incredibly easy, and things i did even easier.

it does have 3d support too. i don't think i'm going to go all-in on 3d, but having 3d environments with 2d sprites i think is a good compromise there.

the engine does cost $50, but once you own it that's it, free updates and everything.

i was also looking at rpg in a box, with their voxel based stuff and the new low-poly model they are releasing at some point in the future. that looks super intriguing too, definitely would be a lot more work and a steeper learning curve but i think it would still be easier than godot.

at the moment, those are the two i'm keeping an eye on.

@beardalaxy rpg in a box was interesting because of godot. i had stability issues with it trying to run on linux though.

@icedquinn their next release is also adding godot 4 export so that's pretty nifty. i like the fact that you can just make your models directly in the program. the node system also seems WAY more simple than unreal's which i'm appreciative of. i'm always down for starting with simplicity and then allowing the user to expand upon it if they wish, which is exactly what rpg maker does and why i like it so much.

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