is it just me or are lolicons becoming way more retarded lately? i blame the gooners. i remember back even 10 years ago lolicons were way more chill and nobody really cared.

@beardalaxy To be fair to them I think it's a bit of an immune response of sorts to the influx of tourists trying to shit up the place in the anime community the last couple of years

@NorthernBaron honestly i just think people are super degenerate and that's saying something coming from me. it's one thing to btfo some tourists but it's another thing to give in to the brain rot.


@Ashurbanipal @NorthernBaron I wouldn't actually consider myself a degen because I actually contribute to society and have a generally positive aura, but I'm still into some relatively weird shit. Shit that, when I look at some of the other people who are into it, makes me feel anything from disgust to anger.

It's just... When the furry lolicon is telling you that you might be taking something a bit too far you might want to rethink some things about your life and actions. It's like the dude who married Hatsune Miku needing to remind people that she's not real.

I will add that it could very well be bad actors (from tourists to glowies), but I don't think enough is done to remove those bad actors and they actually start to infect more "genuine" people. So a group/community will start to get twisted that way.

@beardalaxy @NorthernBaron
trust me you are not in the slightest a degenerate
apart from furry stuff you are quite "vanilla" as this stuff goes
i think you are just becoming aware of certain cliques that have more or less always existed
they have just been less numerous
@beardalaxy @Ashurbanipal @NorthernBaron the furry sphere is literally what happens when there's no gatekeeping and bad actors everywhere, and I don't just mean lolisho/cub sphere ones I'm talking so many others.

From "stop gooning to x" to political activists, it's really bad.
@beardalaxy @Ashurbanipal @NorthernBaron I don't know you, so I'm not calling you a degenerate. But contributing to society (can mean many things) and having a positive aura (also very abstract) does not exclude one being a degenerate.

In a way, when compared to our not so distant ancestors, we are all degenerates due to the environments of our time. Perhaps the most distinct sign whether one is or isn't a degenerate is between him who embraces destructive and life-negating behavior, and him who fights against this inclination.

In this understanding, the childless gooner who glorifies porn (2d or not) would be a degenerate, while a similar guy who works towards a family, would be not. I want to mention that the opposite of life-negating is not limited to starting a family, but this is a concrete example of affirming life by creating life.
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